Dr. Hartke provides individual therapy for children, adolescents, and adults.

Children and Adolescent Therapy:  Dr. Hartke provides provide cognitive-behavioral therapy, play therapy and parent counseling to help children and their families cope with difficult life stressors and to treat a variety of problems and challenging behaviors. These problems and challenging behaviors include anxiety and mood disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Tics/Tourette Syndrome, oppositional behaviors, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), body focused repetitive behaviors, social skills deficits, high functioning Autism Spectrum disorders, and difficulties with sport-performing arts performance.

Adult Therapy:  Psychological therapy for adults is aimed at helping them grow mentally and emotionally, cope with life stressors, and improve communication in relationships.  Our psychologists treat a variety of adult problems including anxiety and mood disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Tics/Tourette Syndrome, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), social skills deficits, high functioning Autism Spectrum disorders, and problems related to sport-performing arts.


More information on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a structured, goal oriented approach focused on developing coping skills, and modifying problematic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. CBT is applied to the treatment of many conditions including, but not limited to, tics, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, depression, challenging behaviors, body focused repetitive behaviors, and social skills development.

  • Individual and family based
  • For children, adolescents, and adults
  • Teaches and develops coping skills for
    • Feelings:Identifying feelings, triggers, managing physical symptoms
    • Thoughts:Identifying maladaptive thoughts, challenging and restructuring thoughts, increasing self awareness, using realistic/positive thinking, problem solving
    • Behaviors:Behavioral practice, gradual exposure to fears/challenging situations, being behaviorally active, functional behavioral intervention plans
  • Focused on decreasing problem behaviors, increasing helpful behaviors, and increasing confidence and competence
  • Utilizes a structured approach with between session practice and follow-up